The Cooperman Company

Developed in collaboration with percussionist/drummer Matt Kilmer and influenced by a lap-position playing style taught by Jamey Haddad, the Cooperman 99 Slapback series of drums provides the defined punch of a frame drum embellished with a caxixi-like shaker sound when tapped from the top or when rocked on the thigh. For a dramatic accent, a slap-strike throws the enclosed shot and then ricochets it back to the playing surface; a quieter “ocean” effect can be achieved by simply rolling the shot around the playing surface.

The selection of 12″ vs 16″  depends a lot on the piece being performed but some things to keep in mind are:

  • -The 16″ Slapback has a solid tuning range from about D3-A3. It works very well both as a solo lead drum and an accompanying drum. It is single headed with a mesh back to keep the steel shot in and let the drum breathe.
  • -The 12″ Slapback has a tuning range from about G3-D4.
  • The 12″ Slapback is very well suited to be a solo drum. Almost in the same tonal space as a riq, but with more body to the sound.

The 16″ version was designed as an all-around drum that could be tuned high if you want it to cut more, or tuned lower to get more bass tone.  Matt Kilmer usually plays it with a djembe or dumbek in front of him to hit a bass tone as needed.  The drum has a solid tuning range from about D3-A3.   It has all the punch of an open-back tar drum, but accessorized with shaker beads.  The steel shot is captured between the REMO Weatherking playing head and the drum’s removable mesh back, which features a splash zone of highly responsive REMO Renaissance material. The mesh back can be removed to change or supplement the media. The drum is tuneable using Cooperman’s standard tuning system.

The 12” version shares the same general specification as the 16″ (above) but  is design more as a soloist’s drum, though it holds it own cutting through in a big mix .  A hefty load of steel shot powers-up our 12″ 99 Slapback tar drum with a wide range of possible effects. It has a tuning range from about G3-D4.


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